Winch & Co goes carbon neutral

10th December 2021

We are Carbon Neutral

We are proud to announce that as of this week, Winch & Co is a totally carbon neutral company, having removed 26,000 kg of carbon from the atmosphere so far, with an aim to remove over 100 tonnes per year by 2023.

We have done this by supporting and providing resources to two projects:

✅ Afforestation in Rio Kama, Nicaragua
Replacing deforested areas with durable bamboo plants which, unlike trees, regenerate quickly after being felled to produce products instead of using trees. Creating over 3,000 hectares of new forest every year.

✅ Clean Oceans by Plastic Bank, Worldwide
Creating jobs in impoverished nations across the world by assembling teams to remove plastic from the oceans, used to recycle to produce packaging, products and building materials and even sources of energy in the third world, boosting economic growth and wellbeing reducing inequalities. The ocean removes 93% of the heat caused by global warming, as well as producing over 80% of our oxygen.

We’ve also subscribed to a 100% renewable energy provider at our offices and our core team are 100% electric vehicles.

We are serious about climate change and are committed to broadening the scope of our carbon neutrality to our portfolio companies over the next 3 years to reduce our carbon footprint and offset our unavoidable emissions.

Well done to the team.
Certified by ClimatePartner

Learn more by clicking here

Get in touch

0333 050 3838

Winch & Co

46 Park Place

Leeds, LS1 2RY

CO2 we’ve removed from the atmosphere

50,876 kg

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