Nathan Winch, Chief Executive of Leeds-based investment firm, Winch & Co, named Private Equity Chief Executive of the Year in 2022.
Winch & Co Chief Executive, Nathan Winch, was proud to accept Private Equity Chief Executive of the Year in 2022 by CEO Monthly magazine.
Nathan Winch, aged 32 is the Chief Executive of Leeds-based private equity firm Winch & Co. Founded in 2010, the firm aims to add strategic value to businesses via integration and consolidation, producing realisable returns with an emphasis on risk management. Recent acquisitions for Winch & Co include a pre-fabricated buildings manufacturer, Browns Buildings, and a road haulage and warehousing company, DTS. The company also invested in a new electric vehicle charging network operator and energy company, Giga Power UK.
All the team at Winch & Co congratulate Nathan, who commented, “What a fantastic honour to win this award. They had been trying to contact me for a while and I had been too busy to open the e-mails… So glad that I did!”
He went on to say, “I couldn’t do my job without the team. It’s a real team effort here at Winch & Co and I am supported by very talented individuals who work in the background every day.”