Nathan Winch featured in 42 under 42 by Insider Media

6th February 2023

Nathan Winch, Chief Executive of Leeds-based investment firm, Winch & Co, featured in the Insider Media’s 42 under 42 in 2023.

Winch & Co Chief Executive, Nathan Winch, has been featured in Insider Media’s 42 under 42 for 2023.

The owner of a Leeds private equity firm, the managing director of a building services business and the chief executive of a marketing consultancy are among the rising stars to feature in the first batch of 2023 Yorkshire Business Insider 42 Under 42s.

The list, which is sponsored by Brewin Dolphin, Schofield Sweeney and Sentio Partners, profiles the region’s top business leaders and entrepreneurs under 42 years of age. The first 21 names can be found in the latest edition of the Yorkshire Business Insider.

The class of 2023 includes Nathan Winch (32) Chief Executive of Leeds-based private equity firm Winch & Co. Founded in 2010, the firm aims to add strategic value to businesses via integration and consolidation, producing realisable returns with an emphasis on risk management.

Recent acquisitions for Winch & Co include a pre-fabricated buildings manufacturer, Browns Buildings, and a road haulage and warehousing company, DTS.

Nathan Winch, 32 years old
Chief Executive, Winch & Co

Winch & Co was founded in 2010 as a corporate investor to add strategic value to businesses via integration and consolidation, producing realisable returns with an emphasis on robust risk management. Winch has set his sights on growing the company in the industrial and manufacturing sectors. He has built his career for more than 14 years, selling various businesses along the way.

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